Sunday, August 7, 2016

This Week at Bible College

Books for Christian Leadership class
Classes run evenings 4 - 8 p.m., theoretically, but often later.  Saturdays (yes, Saturdays!) are 9 - 2.  So many of these kids get home well after 9 p.m. on Friday nights, then are there again Saturday morning at 9.  Such dedication!!  

Dick has used this text for years, but was surprised to learn that the author had been one of David's professors.  

Discussion in small groups

After all the students' dialogue, Dick suggests a couple of possible answers. 

David iterates steps in Biblical interpretation.  Only at the very end do we entertain possible applications!    

We may think there is a distinction between the sacred and secular, but in God's eyes every vocation is important for His kingdom.  
Dick explaining how critical godly character is in a leader, using King David as an example. 

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