David will be teaching three classes: Effective Bible Interpretation, Preaching, and Evangelism. He was up first on Wednesday with the Bible Interpretation class.
One of the first items of discussion was the great questions of life - what are they? David got the students thinking and dialoguing right away. They had group discussions to come up with their 5 most important questions. They had plenty of good ideas; many of the questions were along the lines of:
Where did I come from? Why am I here? What am I here for?
Where am I headed? What about evil, suffering, and morality?
Here are a few of the students in the class: Ana from Senegal, who teaches French in The Gambia, thoughtful Paul in the green shirt, who tells me he is really growing spiritually, and smiling Immanuel - he and Ana are both part of the computer class as well.
Timothy, a first-year student (in orange), chats before class with Rita and Fadil. Timothy is constantly looking for ways to be kind and helpful.
The class is beginning to fill up. Steven had 5 students registered when we first arrived, 18 by Tuesday, and last night I believe there were 22, with 2 more who were unable to come for the first class.
There were so many students that Dick and I left our chairs in the back so people could sit there, and there were several chairs in the aisles. God is blessing this ministry! Next week Steven plans to take us to see the land he has acquired to build classrooms, then a library, and eventually an entire campus.
Praise God! What an encouragement to read how God is with you and equipping others to serve Him! So glad you are there using the gifts God has given you! Praying for you two and the ministry there.