Monday, August 15, 2016

A GAMBIA Quiz for You

So what do you think?  [See below :) ]

1.  Why are the houses here built primarily from cement/concrete?

2.  If you see a 60 sign (surrounded with red circle) while driving, would you assume it means that the speed limit was 60 km per hour? 

3.  If you see that same 60 sign with a red slash through it, would you assume it means you may not go 60 kilometers?  

4.  When Gambians speak of "ground nuts", they mean the same thing that Americans mean when they say " _______".  

5.  If you were to meet under the cotton tree, you would probably be ____________ .  

6.  At this time of year in The Gambia, you would probably be eating mainly which 2 fruits?  

7.  You would encounter Government check points how often on major Gambian roads?

8.  One major staple U.S. item you would rarely see in The Gambia is:

 1.  Termites! 
 2.  Actually it means you may go anything over 60 km per hour!
 3.  You must keep your speed under 60 kph.  
 4.  peanuts!  (as in peanut butter - SO good here!)
 5.  waiting at a "car port" for a transport to another city by car or bus
 6.  bananas and mangoes !!!  Delicious!  Mangoes are on our trees here at the hotel. 
 7.  Tons!  Constantly!  About 15 or more on a day trip.  (No problems or delays at any; Dick says it was more like a dozen ...) 
 8.  Cheese - There are many goats and cows, but they must not be used much for dairy. 


1 comment:

  1. Had to laugh at your list, Cathy! That is sooo you--so creative. I must admit, #1 surprised me the most! We continue to pray for you two and all those you encounter--even the animals. :)
