Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sights Along the Roadside

It is so interesting to see the people, flowers, trees, birds, architecture, businesses, and all the activities as we travel along the road. Here are a few from the past week.  

Donkey cart - these are all over, handy way to carry things, even a full load of children to school!

University of Gambia sign.  They do not have their own campus nor faculty, so  they borrow buildings and instructors. 

 I simply could not resist this one!  No, it's not a booth at our State Fair, it's a shop of some sort along the road.  Did not get to investigate. 

Do Not Try This on Your Own

David's hand waving to these children as they are on their way to the local well to get water. 

Quick!  There is only one person at the well! 

Just a few minutes later at the community gathering place.  With just one spigot, everyone has to wait their turn.  

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