Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Welcome to Sierra Leone!

Welcome to Sierra Leone! 

These adorable twin girls sat across from us on the plane.

and this guy welcomed us at the airport.

Small market on airport road

 Today we are getting ready to give our 4-hour presentation on teaching the Open Hands curriculum on Planning & Managing a Business. Leaders of several Xian organizations will be here, receive training & the curriculum so that they can go back to teach it to their people.

On left is Dick, and on the right is Matthew Brima who is studying this fall at Gordon Cromwell Seminary along with Nelson Clemens, with whom we have been discussing for about a year.

Tonight we select school supplies to take with us to Kenema Village tomorrow.  It is super hot, humid, rainy and traffic gridlocked much of the time. Food is pretty good & all the ladies are so well-dressed and look amazing. (Even if they have large burdens on their heads and have trekked through rivers of muddy water.) Don't know how they do it. My friend Caroline had said,"Sierra Leonines are poor but dressy. ". She was so right!!


On the left is David Musa, director of S. A. V. E. He makes sure we are well taken care of at all times.

On the right is Chris Follman, SAVE board member who will teach canning & food preservation in Kenema village.

Once in "bush" we will have no internet or wifi until back into Freetown Friday night. So far only had internet one time, but we will try our best to keep you updated! 


  1. This is so amazing! I can't wait to show the girls the pictures tomorrow when they get up!!

  2. So glad that you made it there safely! I'm so glad that you set up this blog so that we can follow along on your trip!

  3. The kids loved seeing the pictures and show everyone their map of where you are!
