Yesterday afternoon we sat outside our new room, where we now have internet! This giant aloe plant is right in front of our porch. Not to be outdone, the second plant belongs to Steven's wife Helen, who loves to grow flowers and plants. She and her girls fixed all of us a great lunch on Friday, which is their big family meal. We ate local Atlantic Ocean butterfish, just brought in to the dock the day before - delicious!

Today we attended church with Steven and his family. The children did the entire service; they had been studying the armor of God from Ephesians. They had memorized the passage, they sang wonderful songs with motions, they had two children literally "put on" the armor of God as they worked through each piece, the older teens taught on each part, and led wonderful worship. At several points, they got everyone up and out of their seats, marching around the room, singing. All the seats were emptied as we all marched and sang!
Here, you can see the two children dressed with all the "armor". They have the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. You cannot see the feet or the belt, but they were there too. Joey C., you would have loved it!
Partway through the service, the electricity went off (normal life here for these people), so no fans. It was sweltering hot to begin with, but they still marched and sang and worshiped with much joy!
After the service, the kids handed out lunch boxes for each person, and little cups of "monjoy" - a juice-type
drink that comes from flowers similar to hibiscus. Bright
reddish-purple, and delicious!

Here you can see the empty chairs left by all the people, and the
drummers, even, who left their spot up front and came, carrying their
drum, to keep up the beat, but join the parade!
This is Steven's eldest daughter Esther, teaching her section of the armor of God. She also led worship, and someday hopes to become an architect. |
Here are a few of the people who are part of a new church plant from a village just past the airport. They have over 60 people gathering each week for Bible study, and are ready to begin to meet as a church body. The pastor is in white shirt, and the older couple to the left (tan shirt, purple dress and hat) have been opening their home for the people to meet. Now with so many, they have to be outside, and with the rainy season, twice have had to scatter due to the heavy rains. They have built benches for people to sit on, and have one donor for the "sticks" - the logs to hold up the sides. Now they are waiting to get money for a corrugated roof, and they will be all set! Pastor Steven, with whom we have been working and who runs the Bible College, is at the microphone preparing to pray for the group as they start out. Great way to end our morning!
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