Saturday, July 9, 2016

Seminar update

The Seminar went well, the people were introduced to many new ideas that were unfamiliar to them. 12 people attended from multiple organizations. With 10-yr civil war & Ebola, they are used to handouts. So, teaching God's principles for business, particularly working to earn money & taking responsibility for yourself, brought forth great discussion among the people. We were so glad that Nelson was with us; he did a great job.
Later, for example, when we discussed keeping records, they balked at that. "People who keep records are seen as stingy, because they don't immediately share with others."  They are used to having friends, relatives, share chunks of money with others without keeping track of where the money went. Another great discussion. They told us honestly, some of these are very foreign concepts to them. And so it went during the day. By the end they were beginning to see the value of using God's truths, & many of them planned to either teach this curriculum to their people or to use it for their own business. We all prayed for each other.
At the end they gave us a "Power Clap". I wish I had videoed it but I had no idea what they were doing. They said power clap, & all the people began rubbing their hands together as if to keep warm. In fact, that is what they were doing. "Get them really warned up. We want it really loud!"  And then, 1...2...3...CLAP!  It was their way of showing appreciation. We were honored.

Dick and Cathy have gotten safely back from the bush. On the way out they were in different cars, Dick's car broke down and the one Cathy was in had car trouble as well; took us couple extra hours.  They are used to it here and no one gets upset or anything, you just deal with it as best you can.  Shows how very much we take things for granted at home! 
Below is a picture of Dick and Nelson discussing possible causes of the broken down car (the first one) on way to Kenema Village.

They have very limited Internet but will try to send more about their trip to the Kenema Village soon. 

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