Monday, July 18, 2016

pictures from Kenema

 Here are some pictures from trip to Kenema.

Adjustable bed for delivering babies in Kenema clinic. Note the blue mosquito netting.

 Medicines in clinic at Kenema

 Chris teaches canning of pineapple, which is plentiful, using an open fire. She did just one jar at a time due to uneven heat of the fire.  [Her suitcase  had not yet arrived, so she is wearing clothes from one of the barrels sent over ahead of time. ].  She also showed the women how to can coconut - also in abundance here
Samuel, our driver, was Chris' helper, so he gets to eat the leftovers.

 Above and the picture below: Diane, part of our SAVE team, from "Heart of the Shepherd " ministries, demonstrates how to peel banana stalk to get fibers, which can be spun into banana silk.
 This activity attracted mainly the men; most of the women were learning how to can pineapple from Chris.

David Musa tells how ZF sent money to bold this well for the village. Cement cover keeps out critters and debris, and it is walled in for protection

 This isolation hut was built by villagers during Ebola times. Praises to God, they never had to use it!  Their village was completely spared - not a single case of Ebola.

 This little guy had just begun helping his teacher unpack the bag of school supplies we had brought from ZF.

 The men carry poles up the hill where they will build sheep pen. They can keep the sheep protected at night, & let them out each morning.

Mom and Baby help, too.  Eight families received a sheep after completing all the classes. The goal is for the people to apply what they learned, and have their flock multiply

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