Monday, July 25, 2016

Sunday Morning in Gambia:

We attended Omega church in Gambia with our country host, Steven Musa-Kormayea, and 3 of his children.  It was delightful, very active praise and worship time!  As we drove there, Steven told us the story of the building where they used to meet.  It had been there for decades, but the neighbors built a mosque next door.  They tried to get the Christians to move, ultimately smashing in all the windows, coming in and trying to take over.  The men of the church had to literally throw the women and children up and over the wall to get them safely out of the compound.  The men called the police – no one available to come.  They called government authorities – no one to come.  Eventually they did come, and they arrested all the Christian men!  Steven said, “We spend several days in jail.”  At each of the church buildings they have (I think he said there are 8), then a mosque has been built right next door. 

Tomorrow we go with Steven to begin setting up the computer network.  Steven’s son Samuel, finishing his sophomore year of high school, is interested in computers, so we have invited him to tag along.  We appreciate your many prayers as we do this work.  Thank you and God Bless each of you!

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord that it worked out so well. How good to mentor the young man as well. Can a American printer type in Swahili? ;)
    May the Lord continue to show you favor and blessing. Goinsgang
