Monday, July 25, 2016

From Sierra Leone - Signs

This sign at the base of the hill.  The sign says that all trucks, construction vehicles, vehicles carrying construction materials, trucks over a certain small weight, are all prohibited.  At the top there is much construction, so all construction trucks, materials, semi’s, and so on had to use this road.  This sign frustrated Nelson to no end, because of the lack of common sense here.

This sign directed us to wash our hands with disinfectant soap, but no towels, so we wiped our hands on our jeans … and that was hygenic ?

This sign especially for my sister Jane, who taught all of our children how to both speak and act out “Monkey” at a very young age.  

The Islamic version of Bible Bowl - Quaranic memorization contest

The blue sign on the wall in the Freetown school is the S. L. national anthem

Knockout HIV!

A dear man named Thomas Elba, who was in our Business class, oversees this technical training center – Computers, Welding, and Wood Shop

This sign says "EBOLA - Stop the Stigma!".
So sad to think of Ebola victims not only suffering from the disease and loss, but also from being ostracized.

God’s Favor tour bus.  Often businesses expressed their religious beliefs in their names.  We would see “God’s Blessing” hair salon, “Allah is Great” bus, “God Reigns” travel business, and so on

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