Monday, July 25, 2016

Computer Lab in Gambia at Servants of the Word Bible College

We are singing praises to God for the wonderful successes today!  Dick took the computer he brought for Steven in to the Bible college office, set it up, and hooked it into the switch, and linked in the printer.  Success!  

A pastor Tony arrived to help - he had tried to set up a network in the past, but was not able to get it going.  Dick thinks perhaps he had a bad switch.  At any rate, he had already run the cables between the two rooms.  Dick tested them and they were good, so the rest of the day was spent linking all the computers together.  Dick had spent literally weeks at home getting them all configured before we left, and that paid off.  There is now a network with 6 computers on it, plus Steven's in his office, all able to print to the printer!!  All praise to God the Almighty Who has gone before us in every way.  We go back in tomorrow to clean up some details.  What a wonderful day!  We had visions of this taking many days to work out all the kinks.  Steven's son Samuel was helpful as well, and we can rest assured knowing that Tony and Samuel will be able to trouble-shoot issues as they occur.  

I have many pictures, but they take eons to load, so I am simply posting this good news tonight.  We are so grateful for your faithful prayers and for God's faithfulness in answering them!!  

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