Monday, June 27, 2016

TRAVEL PLAN (Subject to change according to God's plans, which may not be the same as ours)

   3rd                         1st                               2nd   

Part I.
We travel under the auspices of S.A.V.E., Sierra Leone Agape Voluntary Effort, a ministry begun by our friend David Musa following a ten-year civil war in Sierra Leone. 

Since that time, S.A.V.E. has also assisted in relief efforts for hundreds of families in  Sierra Leone affected by the ebola virus. 

July 2          Leave home; travel to Freetown, Sierra Leone, via Brussels;
                   David will meet us in Freetown.  

July 5-7       Leave Freetown and travel with S.A.V.E. team to Kenema Village.
                   Chris, a board member, will work with Kenema villagers on food
                   preservation.  Diane (a vet) and her husband Peter, from OK,     
                   plan to assist the village people in animal husbandry. 

                   Our church body has supported S.A.V.E. since its inception.
                   Dick and I will simply be observers, meeting the people, 
                    interacting with their lives, and trying to capture stories                                        and images to share with our ZF family, and other                                         family and friends.   

                    We have a large amount of school supplies to share with the
                    schools in Kenema and Freetown.  We will pray for God to show
                    us how to best distribute these.  We look forward to meeting the 
                    teachers and the children!

July 7 - 13    David, Dick and I return to Freetown.  We meet with the
                   leaders of the main Christian ministry partners of S.A.V.E.  Dick 
                   found helpful curriculum developed by Open Hands to train
                   people in essential business principles according to God's
                   foundational truths.  We will go through this with them, to equip  
                   these leaders to teach the people in their respective 
                   organizations.  We also plan to teach essential computer skills.                                    

 July 13        Leave Freetown for Accra, Ghana. 


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