Thursday, June 30, 2016

How To Follow This Blog

Good morning, Everyone! Two days from now we will probably be boarding a plane for our adventure in West Africa. That is the plan, but of course we know that "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." (Prov.16:9) So trusting in God's perfect plan and not our own, we go forth.

Many people have asked how they can follow this blog. If you scroll down to the very bottom at the right, there is a box to submit your email address. than a pop-up box will as you to enter the letters you see (to prove you're not a robot), you'll see this screen:

 you'll get an email confirmation to respond to, and you'll be all set.  

I apologize for the gibberish letters down the left side of the blog - I have an expert web designer helping me try to figure it out but so far it's eluded us.  Good thing God's plans are not hindered by faulty technology!  

1 comment:

  1. So excited to be hearing all the Lord is doing through you. Blessings and honor and glory to our Almighty God and Father.
